Friday, May 31, 2013

So let me start by letting you know a little about me. See back in 7th grade I was just a normal dorky, heart broken, shy, middle school girl only having to deal with middle school stuff. But then my Papa died. it was one of the hardest things ever for me because it was the first person I ever had to lose. Plus it was so unexpected that I wasn't even able to say good bye. Then about a year later my Poppy died. That was a little easier to take because well he was 98 and had been in hospice for a while. Then a few months later my parents got divorced followed by my dog dying and most recently one of my two cats. So now in my house its me my mom my one cat and every other week my brother and sister but half the time they are with my Dad. So as you can see I have some pretty hard stuff going on and things were starting to go better, but I still face struggles. Like my mom yelling at me, grades, oh and the guy I like is moving away. I figured he might leave any way since he was a senior but I never thought he would leave so far. So baisicly this blog will be lie a diary for me.